<br>The Clinique CIC Montreux will take care of you, regardless of your insurance coverage. You will find in this page information concerning the benefits reserved for you according to the degree of your insurance coverage.
<br>The Clinique CIC Montreux will take care of you, regardless of your insurance coverage. You will find in this page information concerning the benefits reserved for you according to the degree of your insurance coverage.
As patients insured in the general ward, the following benefits are available to you during your hospital stay:
Discover our standard rooms in 360°, by clicking on the link Virtual tour
As a patient insured in semi-private ward, here are the benefits that are reserved for you during your hospital stay:
Discover our private rooms in 360°, by clicking on the link Virtual tour
As a patient insured in a private ward, here are the benefits available to you during your hospital stay:
Discover our private rooms in 360°, by clicking on the link Virtual tour
For international patients or patients who are not insured in Switzerland, the Clinique CIC Montreux offers different ranges of hospital stays in order to meet the needs of everyone. For more information, please refer to the page dedicated to international patients by clicking on the link opposite International Patients